5 Steps To Prepare Your Roof For Winter

With winter now in full force, it is important for homeowners to prepare your roof. Not taking the proper steps to protect your roof can lead to more damage down the road. Ultimately, this leads to more costly repairs in the future. Right Rate Roofing is here to lay out the 5 steps you can take as a homeowner to prepare your roof for winter.

Inspect your roof

The first step to prepare your roof for winter is to inspect your roof for any existing damage or areas of concern. Look for any indications of wear, such as missing or cracked shingles. If you find wear indicators, it is best to seek professional help to ensure the repairs are completed properly.

It is also important to check proper flashing around your chimney. This area is one of the most common spots for leaks to occur. If you find any gaps or open slots for moisture to enter your home, it is important to find a professional to help fix the problem.

Lastly, be sure to visually inspect the valleys of your roof. This area is prone to leaks as well, because snow can accumulate here. If you notice any sagging in your valley, this could indicate a bigger problem with the roof structure below your shingles. Again, it is best to seek help from a professional roofing contractor to ensure the roof is fixed properly before winter.


Clean gutters and downspouts

Secondly, you need to clean out your gutters and downspouts. Cleaning your gutters and downspouts ensure your roof is ready to properly drain the snow and ice melt between snows or in the spring. In the summer and fall, sticks, leaves, and other debris will fall onto your roof and enter your gutters and downspouts. When your gutters are full of this debris, the water from the snow and ice melt cannot flow away from your roof properly. As a result, this can lead to water damage to your roof and home.

It is vital to ensure your gutters and downspouts are free and clear before the first snowfall. Lastly, it is also important to inspect your gutters and downspouts to make sure they are connected to your home. Loose gutters and downspouts can spell many problems for your home.


Trim trees near your roof

The third most important step is to trim any trees that are close to your home. Tree limbs hanging over your roof can fall and cause damage to your roof when winter weather arrives. Snow and ice can be very heavy for trees and tree limbs, which ultimately can lead to falling and damaging your roof.

Tree limbs can break shingles, cause cracks, or even punch holes into your roof. This can lead to major problems for your roof during the harsh winter months. In addition, tree limbs can cause blockage of your gutters and downspouts. If you have trees near your house, make sure to trim back as necessary or hire a professional to come trim your trees. Remember, finishing this project before winter is critical.


Remove debris from your roof

The fourth step is to remove all debris from your roof. Debris such as: sticks, limbs, leaves, twigs, bird nests, etc. should all be removed from your roof before winter hits. Any debris left on your roof can cause damage to the shingles or clog your gutters and downspouts. Each of those problems can lead to major issues during winter and can be easily avoided with the proper maintenance.

Even if you are not directly under a tree, it is vital to ensure no debris is left on your roof. Debris on your roof can also be an indicator of existing shingle damage. Large debris can cause granule loss on your shingles. When your shingles lose their granules, the shingle lose their first line of defense.


Inspect your attic space

Lastly, you will want to inspect your attic space for signs of any water leakage or damage. Many homeowners will complete steps 1 to 4 but will forget step 5. They will fail to check their attic when performing a roof inspection prior to winter. This will lead to issues during the winter months that can be avoided.

When you enter your attic, you’ll want to ensure there is plenty of evenly distributed insulation. Without proper insulation, your interior home will lose heat. This heat will rise into your attic and can become trapped under your shingles. This may lead to the development of ice dams, which can cause problems on your roof.

Also, you will want to look at your roof framing for any signs of water damage or mold growth. If you find these problems, it is important to seek professional help to ensure it is fixed properly.


Final Thoughts on Preparing Your Roof for Winter

No one wants to think about cold weather or snow, but it is so vital to complete these steps. Preparing your home for the upcoming winter can be a daunting task, so I hope our 5 steps will help guide you as you undertake your winter preparation. Remember to always prioritize the inspection and preparation of your roof each year. This will help you avoid any major issues and keep your home protected. Be sure to contact us with any questions!